Thursday, February 3, 2011

Poco a Poco (2/3)

Day 2 of official-ness went much better than day 1.  I was requested to help with homework, became the emissary to the library, and was able to participate in activity time as there were no aseos (chores) today.  I also built up the courage to ask my general (the boss for my section) what my schedule was going to be like.  Here's a general view:

6:00am - up
6:15am - desayuno with section
7:00am - descanso (break) starts
7:45am - sweep team
8:00am - descanso
10:00am - almuerzo in el comedor
11:00am - descanso
1:30pm - in section to meet girls from school
2:00pm - comida
2:30pm - tarea
4:30pm - activities (on Wednesdays: aseos or chores)
5:00pm - English tutor of primary grades (on Wednesdays: Life Teen)
6:00pm - return to section
6:30pm - cena
7:00pm - reading time or English tutoring for secundaria
8:00pm - lights out in section

A general overview.  It depends on the day, but for the most part, Monday through Friday this is how things go.  I need to figure out where to fit in a few things for myself like exercising, chores, Skype, napping, blogging, reading, etc. also known as the things that keep me sane and functioning, but that will happen sooner or later I suppose.  It's good to know what to expect.  And I currently know the names of all the girls in my section except for one who, for some reason even though I've been told it plenty of times, I can't seem to remember.  I ended today feeling much happier about how things were going and I think I figured out the true core of my responsibilities: being there.  Yes, I will have plenty of moments of just sitting around feeling useless, but just by being there I'm proving to the girls that someone cares about them and is interested in being a positive part of their lives.  Tasks are one thing, presence another and the girls need the second much more than the first at this age.  Poco a poco.  Little by little.  I'm getting there.