Friday, January 27, 2012

Kidney Stones and Coughing (10/3-23)

This three week time period is most notable for the amount of health problems it contained.  The week started out normally enough with its meetings, chores, food and English classes.  We had our monthly party with the directors on Wednesday full of its usual good food and then things started to go south.  Alli woke me up at 5am on Thursday complaining of serious stomach pains.  I got her to the clinic and waited with her as we tried to find some medical staff.  The diagnosis was kidney stones, a problem Alli had experienced in the past, and the doctor recommended we head to the hospital to get her checked out further.  Because it was so early, we headed back to volunteers where we both tried to sleep for about an hour before going back to the clinic to wait for our ride to the hospital.  Our volunteer coordinator recommeneded we just stay in Cuernavaca for the night since our descanso started the next day anyway which meant I ran back to volunteers to pack for us both.  I made it to the clinic just in time for our car and we trundled off.

The hospital was an interesting experience.  I didn't do much.  My job was supposed to be moral support and translation if necessary, but I wasn't permitted in the examining room with them (too many people) so instead I waited in the ER for about hour getting lots of funny looks from people.  All in all the trip was extremely quick and over almost too quickly.  Not much happened.  They examined her, gave her some meds, and sent her on her way.  We grabbed a taxi to head to our apartment in Cuernavaca and the nurse with us returned to Miacatlan.  The rest of the day was spent sleeping, grocery shopping, and talking with Mom and Dad on Skype.

Beyond Thursday, the weekend was pretty calm.  The rest of our descanso crew arrived the next day and most of us went to the movies on Saturday.  Sunday I spent too much time dragging my feet and so I didn't get back to Miacatlan until pretty late.

Bailey and Alli as Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.  There was a special Frida Kahlo exhibit up in the middle of the mall that we explored while waiting for our movie.

Wes and I taking our turn.

One of my favorite Wesleigh photos. ;-D

Monday marked the arrival of a new girl in my section.  She was completely new to the house, but was quickly absorbed into the group.  Tuesday was our usual director meeting.  Most of my afternoon was spent in the clinic helping Sean update the weight and height of all my girls.  (A large part of the clinic assitant's job is keeping track of BMI for the kids in the house.)  Wednesday my health started going south.  I began to feel the first signs of a cold coming on with a little cough on the side.  Thursday I made it through the day and Friday as well only to have the cough come on full force that night.  The cough and cold wiped me out for the next five days.  I spent all my time in volunteers sleeping, watching various shows on my computer, and working out some grad school application details.  It was the first time I had let a sickness take me out of work for so long and the residual effects lasted for a while.  I managed to work Thursday before gratefully falling in to my next descanso. 

It was a very uneventful weekend.  I was still recovering and so didn't feel up for much.  Attempting to sleep through my cough was my biggest accomplishment!  Sunday I did venture out to the pool of a nearby hotel we had recently discovered.  The sun felt great after being cooped up for so long and a group of us enjoyed reading some trashy magazines before heading back to Miacatlan.