The following entries are courtesy of Sarah, a recent Chapel Hill grad attempting to navigate that crazy world that exists post-college...and the rest of her twenties. Follow her (me :-P) as she travels to Mexico to volunteer with Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, a non-profit organization dedicated to kids everywhere. It's going to be a full year of fun, challenge, and lots of lost in translation. Help!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hello everyone! I decided to keep a blog during my year abroad in an effort to stay in touch with as many of you wonderful people as possible with as much detail as demanded without constantly overloading my email and repeating myself. So the blog is born. No guarantees on how often I will update, I anticipate being kept quite busy, but I will try to type as often as possible, as grammatically-correct as possible, and as entertainingly as possible. (I think I'm already breaking a few of those guidelines. ;-) So I hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment on any posts or photos you find especially interesting, ask any particularly plaguing questions, or email me for a more personal response. It's going to be a year full of change and challenge and I'm excited you've decided to come along for the ride!